Contact Peak Property

Showing Information — Investment Properties

Contact & Business Hours

716 S. 20th Ave, #102
Bozeman, MT 59718
(Corner of 20th & College)
(406) 585-7776
(406) 587-3417
9:30AM - 4:00PM,
Mon - Thurs
(406) 585-7776
(406) 587-3417
9:30AM - 4:00PM,
Mon - Thurs
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Get In Touch

For maintenance requests, to discuss showing schedules, or for all general inquiries, please fill out the contact form below and one of our Bozeman property management professionals will be in touch soon.
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Contact & Business Hours

716 S. 20th Ave, #102
Bozeman, MT 59718
(Corner of 20th & College)
(406) 585-7776
(406) 587-3417
9:30AM - 4:00PM,
Mon - Thurs
(406) 585-7776
(406) 587-3417
9:30AM - 4:00PM,
Mon - Thurs
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I have been working with Peak Property Management for ten years now and have them manage all of my rental homes in Bozeman. Peak is a group of top-notch professionals that truly care about what they do and want the best for the tenant and the landlord. Peak has my highest recommendation!
— Laura E, owner

Our Local Partnerships

Peak Property Management is involved in a cooperative effort with the City of Bozeman, Montana State University, and the business community to promote an atmosphere of quiet enjoyment for all Bozeman rental property owners and tenants. As a founding member of the Good Neighbor Committee, we work alongside Montana State University, the City of Bozeman, and various business groups to educate and enlighten residents and potential renters about the keys to successful relationships between homeowners and those who are on the path to home ownership. We also work closely with the respective Board of Directors to objectively interpret the Decs and Bylaws for each association while trying to maintain overall residential property value and community spirit.

About Peak Property Management

Serving the Gallatin Valley since 1994, Peak Property Management is owned by Monica and Kevin O'Brien. They employ an experienced staff of Bozeman property managers and real estate professionals. Peak also manages Home Owner’s Associations and Condo Owner’s Associations, ranging in size from 4 units to over 500 units. Peak strives to provide a comfortable living environment for tenants while maximizing the investment value for the property owner.